Checkout These 3 basic interesting fields relating to JavaScript

Mohammad Hasan
4 min readNov 3, 2020
Java Script

Do you want to test your basic knowledge about JavaScript language? Then feel free to read this post from top to bottom.

Don’t let the busy working schedule to blunt your programming skills. With our little help, even you can clear your basic JS knowledge. So why are we waiting?

Let’s sharpen our proficiency by practicing these 3 basic interesting fields of JavaScript.

What are the 3 basic interesting fields of JavaScript?

Before we start, let us reveal the name of these three basic fields.

1.JavaScript data types.
2.JavaScript RunTime.
3.JavaScript Coding Styles.

Now we can start our discussion with chronological order.

Number 1: (JavaScript data types)

The world of JavaScript is filled with different types of data. These are commonly known as JavaScript values. So at first, we must define, what values are.

Values are very important elements in JS language. If we consider the JS as a universe then values or data are its stars. As we can not physically hold them but we can prove their existence.

Similarly, values are not included in our codes, but our codes can cite them. Each value has its own tasks. Some values work in a bunch. And some are not used frequently.

Some values remain isolated. If you ask how? The answer is Null is a lonely type of value as it is an exclusive value of its type.

Primarily JS data types are divided into two sections.
i. Primitive Values.
ii. Non-primitive Values.

i. Primitive Values:

Primitive values takes a major part in the discussion of values. There are several primitive values. At the lowest section of the JS application, these values are meant to be shown.

Generally, there are six types of primitive values. They are:

a. Number.
b. String.
c. Boolean.
d. Undefined.

e. Symbols.
f. BigInts.

There is also an additional type of primitive value. That is called Null. You may ask that are primitive values considered as objects? The answer is, NO.
For example, numbers and strings are primitive values but they are not objects.

a. Number:
The number is a kind of data that represents a numeric value.

For example, we can say 10 is a Number.

b. String:
The value “String” is a chain of characters that is used for defining texts.

Ex: “Hasan” is a type of string.
Ex: var last name= “Okoye”

c. Boolean:
It is a value that can only be answered with true or false. Different logical operations are run by using this value.

d. Undefined:
This a kind of value that cannot be defined. Its value is missing and the process is not intentional.

e. Symbols:
This is a very uncommon type of value. We use this value in order to hiding application details.

f. BigInts:
It is a new kind of data type. Math and big numbers are represented by this one.

The null is a special kind of value. this no value means we intentionally make its value missing.

ii. Non-primitive Values:

There are two kinds of values that are known as non-primitive values.

a. Objects.
b. Functions.
These two are a very special type of values

a. Objects:
We use objects to gather relative data and present them together as one data. That why by using the object we can access all members at once.

There are also two types of Object data named array and expression or regexp.

b. Functions:

This section is used to indicate the codes. In many browsers, they are displayed with an arrow before them. Sometimes they may also look special when you click on them.

Number 2: (JavaScript Runtime):

If we analyze the JS runtime we can see two sections.
a. Heap
b. Call Stack

a. Heap:

The heap section is defined as a kind of data structure. In this part, the memory allocation is done. There are two types of the heap:
i. Min Heap
ii. Max Heap

b. The Call Stack:

Here all the stack frames are located. As we all know the JS programming language that is single-threaded.

That is all of its runtime, call stack is single-threaded. It can not do several tasks at a time.

We also must know about the meaning of blocking.


When we try to run a code that is slow it is called blocking. Creating console.log is not blocking. But creating a network request and image request makes the call stack slow. That is why it is called blocking.

Number 3: (JavaScript Coding Styles):

We can use different coding styles while using the JS language. Such as:

i. Curly Braces.
ii. Line length.
iii. Indents.
iv. Semicolons.
v. Nesting Levels.

That’s all for today. Hope you liked this article about 3 basic interesting fields relating to JavaScript.Keep an eye on this blog page for more information about programming.



Mohammad Hasan

Being a web developer has been my dream for many years.